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Whether you're new to Pepperdine or just looking for a place to call home, Gamma Phi is an incredible sisterhood waiting to get to know you! Join us and Pepperdine's other Panhellenic sororities in our formal fall recruitment as you search for a sisterhood to call your own! We look forward to meeting you!!

Letter To PNM'S

Gigi Francis


Hello Lovely Ladies, 


My name is Gigi Francis and I am the Membership Vice President of Gamma Phi Beta of the Zeta Theta chapter at Pepperdine University. With formal recruitment on the rise, I cannot wait to meet all of the potential new members and further grow our sisterhood! 


I know a lot of stress and anxiety can arise during recruitment, but rest assured there is truly nothing to worry about! Picture me about 3 years ago, an 18 year old girl from Texas who grew up in a culture where Greek life was such a big deal and heavily influenced your social life. To my grateful surprise, this was not the scene I found myself in when I arrived at Pepperdine. Everyone that I had the pleasure of talking to during my recruitment process was so kind and tried to make a genuine connection with me. It’s safe to say I would recommend recruitment to anyone! 


Gamma Phi stood out to me during my rush process because all of the girls that I talked to were eager to listen and learn more about who I was as a person. Throughout all of my parties with the Gamma Phi girls I just felt so at ease and comfortable with everyone I talked to, even if we had different hobbies or majors. I think one of the most unique aspects of our chapter is that we’re composed of such a diverse range of young women who come from different backgrounds, study different subjects, enjoy different hobbies, and express themselves in their most authentic form.


Even with these varying characteristics, we are still able to all come together and share our common devotion to Gamma Phi Beta’s core values of Love, Labor, Learning, and Loyalty. It’s been such a privilege to have been surrounded by a vast group of young women who inspire me with their ambition, kind hearts, and commitment to being their honest self. Overall, I truly think our sisterhood cannot be found or replicated anywhere else because of our inspiring and nurturing environment that is fostered from the love between sisters. 


To me, Gamma Phi is also more than just friendships and a lifelong bond, it is also a commitment to the betterment of women in many aspects. Being the first organization to coin the term “sorority” in 1874 at Syracuse University, our order was founded to provide women a space to learn, grow, and love outside of the bounds of the patriarchy. Thinking back, it's so empowering to acknowledge how far we’ve come and how much has been achieved through Gamma Phi in regards to the advancement of women’s rights, education, and opportunities. So to me, Gamma Phi Beta is so much more than friendships you’ll cherish in college. These bonds will last a lifetime and our philanthropic efforts will serve to solidify our legacy as an organization made by women for the advancement of women. 


As I prepare for my final year at Pepperdine and face the limited time I have left as a collegiate member of Gamma Phi, I’ve been reflecting on all of the irreplaceable memories, key skills, and fulfilling relationships it’s given me. I’m so excited for each of you and hope you find a sorority that you can call home, with women that can inspire and challenge you. The biggest piece of advice I can give you is to be your authentic self while keeping an open mind. I know it can be a demanding process, but do try and have fun! This is such a special time where you’re able to meet and chat with a variety of young women who are genuinely interested in getting to know you. 


Looking forward to meeting you all, and get pumped for recruitment and what’s to come!!


Gigi Francis

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